Hello strangers!
Once again, it’s been way too long since my last post.
I’m swamped with papers, studying for midterms, applying to jobs, and enjoying senior year festivities, but this long weekend I came home to run a half marathon!
I’m hoping to write a full race recap sooner rather than later, so be on the lookout for that!
I haven’t posted in ages, but I haven’t forgotten about blogging. In fact, I’ve been Instagramming daily for the last couple months, and I have tons of blog post ideas for the (hopefully near) future.
And in case you didn’t notice… I have done something for the little old blog recently…
I changed the name, changed the layout, and created new social media handles!
I’ve been contemplating new blog names for over a year now, and one finally came to me just after I finished my half marathon yesterday.
As I explained on Instagram, if you know me, you know I’ve loved to run since 8th grade.
I love to run on the trails, the roads, the treadmill, and to the finish line.
I love to run to the mall to browse, shop, and get fashion inspiration.
And I pretty much sprint to the table to fuel, refuel, and enjoy meals with family and friends.
It’s seems like I’m always running to something, so when this name popped into my head, I felt like it was perfect for me!
Now I just need to find the time to start blogging again. I’ve got tons of ideas…
Fitness: running, half marathon training, racing, workouts, fitness fashion, etc.
Food: recipes, restaurant reviews, nutrition tips, etc.
Fashion: styling, favorites, inspiration, etc.
Travel: European adventure recaps, etc.
Family, friends, and fun (including surveys, and more!)
…So please stick around!
I can’t wait to talk to you again soon.
Have a happy week 🙂
PS: Be sure to follow my blog with Bloglovin!
Love your photos so cute!
God bless,