I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday! Mine was amazing, and I hope yours was also full of relaxation, family time, fun with friends, fabulous food, and some fitness thrown in there, too!
I’m still on break for the next two weeks, but I’m definitely feeling the after Christmas (and New Years Eve) blues. I took a decent amount of photos, so I thought what better way to beat those blues than a kinda sorta not really “wordless Wednesday” recap!
Modern Family marathon.
Chex in a Christmas mug. (Does anyone else think the vanilla flavor tastes like sugar cookies? SO GOOD.)
Oreo brownie.
Pre-church peppermint mocha.
Christmassy nails.
Lacy shirt and new boots for Christmas Eve Mass.
Christmas Eve lasagna, garlic bread, and salad.
Santa came!
Enough dessert for 19 people?
Lemon poppyseed cake with orange glaze, rounds 1 & 2.
Round 3.
Chocolate on chocolate on chocolate.
Five mile run in the snow. Perfection.
I’m dreaming of a white (day after) Christmas.
Cosi date with friends.
And more.
First trip to Moe’s.
I guess I liked it?
Hot cocoa by the tree.
Feeling snacky.
Christmas celebration #2.
(Early) birthday cake!
Out with the fam.
Dear peppermint stick, why do you have to be seasonal?
Clean and simple.
Tired from last night = lazy easy eats.
Imma miss this
so, so much.
PS – Want to kick-start the new year? Check out this workout!
PPS – This year, instead of making resolutions you won’t keep, make the commitment to become the BEST you.
Questions of the day:
- How were your holidays?
- What are your goals for 2014?
- Any post requests?